Thursday 12 May 2016

Understanding Accelerator extension structure

Modulegen copies codes from Accelerator extension template to your custom extension folder. It is important to understand the significance of the accelerator structure as it will help in finding out the place where you need to make change for your personal customization,dependency between different extension and platform .It will further help in writing cleaner and modularized code which will assist in extending hybris platform services and easier hybris version update process in future.

Once you have completed the steps mentioned in Create/Publish store you will find out that modulegen has added 7 new extensions folder to C:\hybristest\hybris\bin\custom\training folder.

We will explore the structure and importance of new custom extensions :

This extension is where you will programmatically extend hybris cockpit business tools to customize existing features of a cockpit or add additional features. It extends the acceleratorcoreextension.All the  XML file based configuration that is added to any of the extension will be added to  acceleratorcore extension
It is the business service layer extensions where the data model is extended, services from other hybris extensions are combined, added to and enriched and further services are added for project use. This extension come with a core and hybris Management Console (hMC) module. All core data vital for the provisioning of an accelerator storefront is loaded in the trainingcore extension as a part of essential and project data. You can alter these scripts and add further data scripts here.
This extensions organize and aggregate multiple business services to provide a storefront API that exposes actions and a data model that is optimized for a B2C commerce front-end use. It extends the functionality offered by the commercefacades extension and would be where a you would add all additional facades and customize the commercefacades extension functionality. It has a core module but no hybris Management Console (hMC) and web module.
Here you can extend and customize the fulfillment process that comes OOB with hybris. It contains order process and consignment process XMLs that define the order fulfillment and management process in Hybris
It is used to add data for running and setting up  your storefront and application. It provides initial impex templates. From here acceleratorsampledata extension is coupled to this particular implementation. The acceleratorsampledata extension adds all the products and content necessary for each of the three sample storefronts as well as test promotions, users, advanced personalization rules and etc.. A project would not go live with acceleratorsampledata extension, it is provided purely as a sample. The data is separated into this extension to make it very easy to not include the sample data as a part of a project.
This extensions contain the code for the front-end tiers that expose storefront functionality using web site. And do not have a core or the hybris Management Console (hMC) module.
Here you can put your JUnit testcases to test the functionality provided by your implementation. It Provides  tools, configuration and data for testing hybris Multichannel Accelerator.

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